
Resources, news and articles

Brexit highlights the reality of the VUCA world, so what does this mean for our leaders?

SpotCoaching share this news article which was published by Assessment & Development Consultants and focused on what Brexit and the reality of the VUCA world, really means for our leaders

The decision taken by the British electorate on June 23rd has sent shock waves around the world and caused dismay and alarm within the UK, but should it have done so? The markets are reacting in a very jittery fashion as they dislike uncertainty, always favouring stability, but this reflects... Read more →

Be The Change You Want To See

SpotCoaching are delighted to be able to share this news article which originally featured on the CIIPD Community website.

We’ve all had a lot to talk about over the last month. If we thought the European football championship was unpredictable with the success of small nations against big nations, then the vote for Brexit (a word now officially in the Oxford English Dictionary) has surprised not only people in... Read more →

Brexit and VUCA – volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity

This article which is being shared by SpotCoaching was featured by Challenging Coaching and explores how Brexit is a VUCA state.

On 2nd July, Huffington Post published the headline, “EU Referendum: A Guide To The Most F*cked Up Week In UK Political History”, well I might not agree with the wording, but the sentiment is pretty true. I don’t intend to go into blame and accusations as have been seen in... Read more →

How Learning and Development Are Becoming More Agile

SpotCoaching share this article which was written by Harvard Business Review and demonstrated how learning and development is becoming more agile

Today’s workforces are designed for speed and flexibility. To achieve these goals, organizations are using more part-time, project-based freelancers to supplement their internal staff. Our research at the Agile Talent Collaborative reinforces findings from Accenture and other consulting and research firms: the use of freelancers — or agile talents as... Read more →

Leading in an Increasingly VUCA World

This article published by Strategy+Business and shared by SpotCoaching highlights how to embrace leadership challenges in an increasingly VUCA world

I have had the good fortune to do a lot of international travel over the past couple of years. No, it’s not the long hours in a metal tube with wings that I am grateful for (especially now that Airbus has patented a new passenger-stacking system). Rather, it’s the opportunity... Read more →

What VUCA Really Means for You

Orginally published on Harvard Business Review website, SpotCoaching share this article which asks the question; What VUCA Really Means For You

It’s become a trendy managerial acronym: VUCA, short forvolatility, uncertainty, complexity,andambiguity,and a catchall for “Hey, it’s crazy out there!” It’s also misleading: VUCA conflates four distinct types of challenges that demand four distinct types of responses. That makes it difficult to know how to approach a challenging situation and easy... Read more →